Course Java for Testers

In the course Java for Testers you will learn the basic syntax of Java and how to use it when writing JUnit test scripts and Cucumber scenarios.

  • Content
  • Training
  • Modules
  • General
  • Reviews
  • Certificate
  • Course Java for Testers : Content

    Java Syntax

    Attention is paid to the various data types in Java and the flow control constructions. Also the use of classes and objects with methods, parameter passing and private and public data is discussed. And exception handling in Java and the Java collection framework are treated as well.

    JUnit Test

    The program of the course Java for Testers also discusses to the design of JUnit tests, the structure of JUnit tests, the annotations and assert statements used, the execution of JUnit tests in an Eclipse environment as well as the reporting on the outcome of the tests.

    Cucumber en Gherkin

    Finally the Cucumber Framework will be discussed and the mini language Gherkin and the integration with JUnit. The demos and exercises in the course Java for Testers are done in a JUnit environment and are therefore directly applicable when writing test scripts.

    Maven Dependency Management

    Attention is also paid to the automation of tests in the context of setting up continuous integration. The projects are built in the dependency management tool Maven. The course Java for Testers provides a good basis for participating in the course Web Testing with Selenium .

  • Course Java for Testers : Training

    Audience Course Java for Testers

    The course Java for Testers is intended for experienced testers that want to learn how to use Java, JUnit and Cucumber for writing test scripts.

    Prerequisites Course Java for Testers

    Experience with testing is required to join this course. Programming experience is beneficial for the understanding of the concepts but is not required.

    Realization Course Java

    The course has a hands-on nature. The theory is treated on the basis of presentation slides and is interspersed with practical exercises. The course material is in English. The course times are from 9.30 up and to 16.30.

    Certification Course Java Testers

    Participants receive an official certificate Java for Testers after successful completion of the course.

    Course Java for Testers
  • Course Java for Testers : Modules

    Module 1 : Basic Concepts

    Module 2 : Language Syntax

    Module 3 : Classes and Objects

    Java Overview
    Java Editions
    Java Platform
    Java Community Process
    Java Language
    Compiling Java Programs
    Running Java Programs
    Compiler and Interpreter
    Application Structure
    Jar files
    Java Libraries
    Java Comments
    Types of Variables
    Primitive Data Types
    Block Statements
    Operator Precedence
    Flow Control
    if else Statements
    switch Statement
    for and while Loop
    break and continue
    Enhanced for Loop
    Class Definition
    Access Modifiers
    Creating Objects
    Fields and Methods
    Using Objects
    static Modifier
    this Keyword
    Parameter Passing
    Method Overloading
    Object References
    final Modifier
    Object Destruction

    Module 4 : Exception Handling

    Module 5 : Collections

    Module 6 : JUnit and Cucumber

    Error Conditions
    Exceptions in Java
    Exception Handling Syntax
    Exception Hierarchy
    Multiple Catch Clauses
    finally Clause
    Exception Information
    Predefined Exceptions
    Common Exceptions
    Throwing Exceptions
    User Defined Exceptions
    Chained Exceptions
    Rethrowing Exceptions
    Stack Traces
    Collection Framework
    Framework Branches
    Implementation Classes
    Legacy Collections
    Collection Interface
    Iterator Interface
    Concrete Collections
    List Interface
    ArrayList Class
    LinkedList Class
    Map Interface
    Optional Methods
    Using Generics
    What is JUnit?
    Test Cases
    Assert Statements
    Test Suites
    Testing for Exceptions
    What is Cucumber?
    User Stories
    Feature Files
    Gherkin Keywords
    Given When
    Test Automation
  • Course Java for Testers : General

    Read general course information
  • Course Java for Testers : Reviews

  • Course Java for Testers : Certificate