
Course ASP.NET Core Web API

In the course ASP.NET Core Web API developers and architects learn to create flexible and interoperable RESTful services, addressing key concepts such as routing, serialization, versioning, and security. The course program provides hands-on experience in building powerful APIs using the ASP.NET Core framework.

  • Content
  • Training
  • Modules
  • General
  • Reviews
  • Certificate
  • Course ASP.NET Core Web API : Content

    Intro to ASP.NET Core Web API

    The course ASP.NET Core Web API starts with an overview of the architecture of REST Services, in particular the Web API. Standard features of REST such as resources with IDs, URL patterns and standard HTTP methods are discussed. Attention is also paid to the creation and structure of a Web API project in Visual Studio.

    Routing and Controllers

    Next routing in the ASP.NET Core Web API is covered, where the definition of routes, routing parameters, route configuration and routing attributes are treated. Attention is also paid to controllers and the mapping of routes to controller actions.

    Request and Response Handling

    Then the course ASP.NET Core Web API covers request and response handling and the implementation of controller actions that produce responses based on incoming requests. Furthermore, model and parameter binding, content negotiation and the processing of HTTP status codes are treated.

    Data Validation

    Part of the ASP.NET Core Web API course also includes data validation and error handling. Model binding, model validation and validation errors are discussed. Error responses, exception filters and the implementation of global error handling are covered as well.


    Security and authentication mechanisms in the Web API are also part of the course content. Topics include various authentication mechanisms, role base authorization, the implementation of authentication with JSON Web Tokens (JWT) and the protection of sensitive data with HTTPS.

    Data Access

    Finally attention is paid to data access with the Web API, the Open Data Protocol (OData) and the Entity Framework. Explained is how OData CRUD operations can be performed on Entities based on Model classes.

  • Course ASP.NET Core Web API : Training

    Audience Course ASP.NET Core Web API

    The course ASP.NET Core Web API is intended for Web Developers who want to understand and develop REST APIs with ASP.NET Core.

    Prerequisites Course ASP.NET Core Web API

    To participate in this course, knowledge of Web Protocols such as HTTP and HTTPS is desirable and knowledge of the fundamentals of C# is required.

    Realization Training ASP.NET Core Web API

    The course alternates between theory and practice. Explanations using slides and demos are followed by practical exercises.

    Certificate ASP.NET Core Web API

    After successfully completing the course, the attendants will receive a certificate of participation in ASP.NET Core Web API.

    Course ASP.NET Core Web API
  • Course ASP.NET Core Web API : Modules

    Module 1 : Intro Web API

    Module 2 : Routing and Controllers

    Module 3 : Requests and Responses

    What is Web API?
    REST Services
    Comparison with WCF
    REST versus SOAP
    Unique ID's
    URL Patterns
    HTTP Methods
    Content Negotiation
    Web API Projects
    Handling HTTP Requests
    API Controllers
    Action Methods
    Routing Requests
    Action Selection
    Routing Templates
    Routing Configuration
    Routing Parameters
    Routing by Attribute
    Routing in Web API2
    Self Hosting
    HTTP Requests
    HTTP Verbs
    Model Binding
    Parameter Binding
    Media Types
    Content Negotiation
    Creating HTTP Responses
    Handling Status Codes

    Module 4 : Data Validation

    Module 5 : Security

    Module 6 : Data Access

    Model Binding
    Model Validation
    Data Annotations
    Validation Properties
    Under Posting
    Over Posting
    Validation Errors
    Http Errors
    Exception Filters
    Global Error Handling
    Role Based Authorization
    AuthorizeAttribute Filter
    Prevent CSRF Attacks
    Enabling CORS
    Authentication Filter
    Authentication Mechanisms
    JSON Web Tokens
    Working with SSL
    Open Data Protocol
    CRUD Operations
    OData Packages
    Model Classes
    Using Entity Framework
    OData Endpoints
    OData Controllers
    Query Entity Set
    Creating Entities
    Updating Entities
    Deleting Entities
  • Course ASP.NET Core Web API : General

    Read general course information
  • Course ASP.NET Core Web API : Reviews

  • Course ASP.NET Core Web API : Certificate