Course Java EE Overview

The course Java EE Overview discusses the main points of the Java EE standard as it is implemented in application servers like GlassFish, WebSphere and JBoss. The demands of enterprise applications such as scalability, failover and distribution are discussed and how these demands are met by the Java EE platform.

  • Content
  • Training
  • Modules
  • General
  • Reviews
  • Certificate
  • Course Java EE Overview : Content

    Java EE Components

    Attention is paid to the role of the various Java EE Application Components as Java Servlets, Java Server Pages and Enterprise Java Beans. In this respect the JSF Framework for Java Web Applications is also discussed.

    Java EE Services

    Key Java EE services such as JNDI (Java Naming and Directory Interface) and JTA (Java Transaction API) are part of the subject matter.

    Database Access

    The various options for accessing databases are treated as well. Attention is paid both to the SQL-based Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) technology and to the new Persistence API for storing objects directly.

    Web Services

    Furthermore other Java technologies in the context of Java EE, such as Web Services based on SOAP and REST are discussed as well.

    Java EE Application Servers

    During the day several application servers and Enterprise Java Bean containers that rely on the Java EE standard are addressed. If time permits, JMX, Java Management Extensions, as an optional module, is treated.

  • Course Java EE Overview : Training

    Audience Course Java EE Overview

    The course Java EE Overview is intended for developers, designers, managers and architects who want to get an overview of the capabilities and operation of the Java EE, Enterprise Edition, platform.

    Prerequisites Course Java EE Overview

    To participate in this course knowledge of modern software technologies such as C++, Java or. NET and Web applications is desirable.

    Realization Training Java EE Overview

    The theory is discussed by means of presentation slides. The concepts are illustrated with demos and there is opportunity to practice. The course material is in English.

    Certification Java EE Overview

    Participants receive an official certificate Java EE Overview after successful completion of the course.

    Course Java EE Overview
  • Course Java EE Overview : Modules

    Module 1 : Java EE Intro

    Module 2 : Servlets, JSP and JSF

    Module 3 : Enterprise Java Beans (EJB)

    Java Editions
    Enterprise Application Challenges
    Java EE Standard
    Java EE Servers
    Web Components
    EJB Components
    Java EE and Web Services
    Deployment Descriptors
    Packaging in EAR Files
    Java EE Deployment
    Configurable Services
    Java EE API's
    Servlets and JSP's
    Translation and Request Time
    Problems with Servlets and JSP
    Classic MVC Pattern
    Model 2 Architecture
    Using Java Beans
    Scopes in Web Applications
    ServletContext Scope
    Session Scope
    Java Web Applications
    Web Application Structure
    MVC Frameworks
    Java Server Faces
    Types of Enterprise Beans
    Distributed Object Foundation
    Architecture of an EJB
    Enterprise Bean Class
    EJB Object at work
    Remote Interface
    Session Beans
    Statefull and Stateless
    Session Bean Pooling
    Message Driven Beans
    JNDI Naming Context
    Locate resources with JNDI
    Context and Dependency Injection

    Module 4 : Java EE Persistence

    Module 5 : Java EE Web Services

    Module 6 : Optional Module : JMX

    Java EE Persistence
    Direct File I/O
    Java Database Connectivity
    JDBC Drivers and URL's
    Transparant Persistence
    Object Relational Mapping
    Persistence API
    Entity Classes
    Entity Manager
    Persistence Context
    Entity Managers
    What is a Web Service?
    Web Service Standards
    Web Service Types
    XML-Schema, SOAP and WSDL
    JAX-WS Web Services
    Servlet Based Endpoint
    Stateless Session Bean Endpoint
    JAX-WS Annotations
    REST Web Services
    Standard HTTP Methods
    Resource URI Access
    Content Negotation
    What is JMX?
    JMX Goal
    Where does JMX API fit?
    Managed Beans
    JMX Architecture
    Management Consoles
    Protocol Adapters
    Standard MBeans
    Implementing MBeans
    Naming MBeans
    MBean Server
    Registering MBeans
  • Course Java EE Overview : General

    Read general course information
  • Course Java EE Overview : Reviews

  • Course Java EE Overview : Certificate