Course Scrum Master

In the course Scrum Master participants learn to become a professional and officially recognized Scrum Master in two days. A Scrum Master ensures that a Scrum project is managed in the right direction. The Scrum Master is the facilitator of a good process.

  • Content
  • Training
  • Modules
  • General
  • Reviews
  • Certificate
  • Course Scrum Master : Content

    Scrum Intro

    The course Scrum Master starts with a discussion of the most important features of the Scrum software process. The role of the Scrum Master, which is of great importance for the success of Scrum, is discussed.

    Scrum Process

    Then the roles, tools and meetings of the Scrum process are covered. It is explained how the Product Owner is responsible for the content of the project being worked on while the Scrum Master monitors the process.

    Scrum Teams

    The role of the Scrum Master in relation to the team is also treated. The training covers the tools available to a Scrum Master for guiding self-managing teams.

    Scrum Planning

    Next attention is paid to how the Scrum Master ensures that the Scrum sprint planning meeting really takes place. During the Scrum sprint planning, where the entire project team is present, the work that has to be done in a sprint is planned. The Scrum Master ensures that the goal is clear to everyone.

    Scrum Challenge

    The implementation of the Scrum process can have far-reaching consequences for organizations and difficulties can arise as a result of which Scrum does not fully shows all its benefits. During the training you will learn to apply Scrum based on a practical case and you will learn how to coach a team in applying Scrum.

    Scrum Certification

    After the training you can take a exam online. This allows you to become a Professional Scrum Master. The exam is not included in the training and is optional.

  • Course Scrum Master : Training

    Audience Scrum Master Course

    The course Scrum Master is intended for developers, testers, software architects, project managers, team leaders and others who want to obtain intimate knowledge of the Scrum software process and the responsibilities of the Scrum Master role.

    Prerequisites Course Scrum Master

    To join the course Scrum Master no specific skills are needed. It is recommended gain knowledge about Scrum prior to the course by reading articles.

    Realization Training Scrum Master

    The theory is discussed on the basis of presentation slides. The theory is clarified further by using example projects from practice. Exercises are performed on the basis of short practical agile examples. The course times are from 9.30 up and to 16.30.

    Certification Scrum Master

    Participants receive an official certificate Scrum Master after successful completion of the course.

    Course Scrum Master
  • Course Scrum Master : Modules

    Module 1 : Scrum Intro

    Module 2 : Scrum Process

    Module 3 : Scrum Teams

    What is Scrum?
    Scrum Origin
    Scrum Principles
    Other Software Processes
    Scrum versus Agile
    Scrum Software Process
    Infrastructure Practices
    Scrum Framework
    Scrum meetings
    Changes with Scrum
    Scrum and Development
    Scrum and Management
    Product Owners
    Total Cost of Ownership
    Scrum teams
    Team cooperation
    Team communication
    Self organization
    Multidisciplinary Teams
    Scaling Teams
    Distributed Scrum Teams

    Module 4 : Scrum Terminology

    Module 5 : Scrum Planning

    Module 6 : Scrum and Changes

    Product Backlog
    Management and Refinement
    Item Readiness
    Item Estimation
    Product Increment
    Definition of Done
    Sprint Backlog
    Update Scope
    Burndown Charts
    Scrum planning
    Informing customers
    Scaling Scrum to large projects
    Project estimations
    Time boxes
    Risk Management
    Risk Reporting
    Determine Progress
    Scaling Sprint Meetings
    Increments in Scrum
    Iterations in Scrum
    Organization effects
    TCO Optimalization
    Scaling Product Backlog
  • Course Scrum Master : General

    Read general course information
  • Course Scrum Master : Reviews

  • Course Scrum Master : Certificate