Course Ionic Mobile Development

In the course Ionic Mobile Development participants learn to develop cross platform mobile applications with the Ionic Framework. The Ionic Framework is an open source UI toolkit for building high performance mobile and desktop apps with good performance. In Ionic you use web technologies such as HTML, CSS and JavaScript and you can integrate popular JavaScript frameworks such as Angular, React and Vue.

  • Content
  • Training
  • Modules
  • General
  • Reviews
  • Certificate
  • Course Ionic Mobile Development : Content

    Ionic Intro

    The Ionic Mobile Development course starts with an overview of the architecture of Ionic. Attention is also paid to the Ionic CLI and the AppWizard with which Ionic Apps are generated via the command line or visually.

    Application Templates

    Subsequently Ionic Application templates such as a Blank, Tab or SideMenu template are treated. The templates form the starting point for an Ionic App and define its basic structure. Android and iOS-specific matters are also discussed.

    UI Components and Tools

    Attention is paid to the many standard UI components available in Ionic such as buttons, list boxes, menus and many others. Also languages, frameworks and tools that can be used in the development of an Ionic App are part of the subject matter.

    Web Components

    Furthermore the integration of Custom Web Components and HTML Templates in Ionic are in the course program. The Component Life Cycle, Ionic Stencil library and Ionic Core are treated as well.

    State Management

    The various forms of state in Ionic are discussed, such as global state, shared state and internal state. And also attention is paid to state management with a central store using actions and reducers.

    Database Access

    Then it is time to discuss Database Access with the Firebase database and finally attention is paid to a number of advanced topics in Ionic such as Ionic Storage and Push Notifications.
    and Push Notifications.

  • Course Ionic Mobile Development : Training

    Audience Course Ionic Mobile Development

    The course Ionic Mobile Development is intended for web and mobile developers who want to learn how to use the Ionic Framework for the development of cross platform mobile applications.

    Prerequisites Course Ionic Mobile Development

    Experience with web application development and a good knowledge of JavaScript are required to participate in the course Ionic Mobile Development.

    Realization Training Ionic Mobile Development

    The theory in this hands-on course is treated by means of presentations. Illustrative demos are used to clarify the concepts discussed. The theory is interchanged with exercises. Course times are from 9.30 up and to 16.30.

    Certification Ionic Mobile Development

    After successful completion of the course the participants receive an official certificate Ionic Mobile Development.

    Course Ionic Mobile Development
  • Course Ionic Mobile Development : Modules

    Module 1 : Ionic Intro

    Module 2 : Application Templates

    Module 3 : UI Components

    Ionic Framework
    Hybrid Mobile Apps
    React, Angular or Vue
    Ionic Versions
    Apache Cordova
    Ionic CLI
    Installing Ionic
    Ionic AppFlow SDK
    Ionic start
    Template Project
    Adjust Angular Routes
    Blank App
    Tab App
    SideMenu App
    App Skeleton
    Folder Structure
    Ionic and Android
    Android SDK
    Genymotion Emulator
    Ionic and Ios
    Xcode and Tools
    Ionic Dashboard
    Action Sheets
    Buttons and Cards
    Checkbox and Chips
    Floating Action Buttons
    Date and Time Pickers
    Lists and Grids
    Items and Inputs
    Menu and Navigation
    Progress Indicators
    Toasts and Toggles
    Routing and Toolbars

    Module 4 : Languages and Tools

    Module 5 : Web Components

    Module 6 : State Management

    TypeScript Language
    Data Types
    Interfaces and Classes
    Angular Framework
    Angular Modules
    Template Syntax
    Dependency Injection
    RxJS Observables
    Observers and Subjects
    Sass CSS
    Sass Variables and Mixins
    Custom Elements
    Shadow DOM
    HTML Imports
    HTML Template
    Browser Compatibility
    Ionic Stencil Library
    Stencil Slots
    @Prop and @State
    Component Life Cycle
    Tag Selectors
    Use Ionic Core
    State in Webapps
    Single Page Apps
    Global State
    Shared State
    Internal State
    NgRx Intro
    Immutable Store
    Component Updates

    Module 7 : Connecting to Firebase

    Module 8 : Advanced Topics

    Firebase Realtime Database
    Cloud Firestore
    Database Structure
    Firebase JavaScript SDK
    Firebase Web SDK
    Firebase Console
    Reading and Writing Data
    Query and Navigating Data
    Firebase Authentication
    Saving Form Data
    Platform Class
    Accessing Platform
    Look and Feel
    $color Map
    Overriding Configuration
    Ionic Storage
    Push Notifications
    FCM REST Api
    Native Plugin
    React Integration
    Deploy to Devices
  • Course Ionic Mobile Development : General

    Read general course information
  • Course Ionic Mobile Development : Reviews

  • Course Ionic Mobile Development : Certificate