Course Android Fundamentals

In the course Android Fundamentals participants learn the basic concepts of the Android platform and how to develop mobile apps for Android. The Android Studio Development Environment is used for the development of Android apps and many features of this IDE are discussed.

  • Content
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  • Modules
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  • Reviews
  • Certificate
  • Course Android Fundamentals : Content

    Android Intro

    The Android Fundamentals course starts with an overview of the architecture of the Android platform and the functionalities in the Android SDK. Activities and the life cycle of Android apps are covered here.

    Android GUI

    Next the User Interface of Android apps is discussed. This includes the View Hierarchy, the Layout Containers and the various views and controls in Android. The different device emulators in Android Studio are also treated.

    Android Persistence

    Furthermore accessing databases and the file system is part of the program of the course Android Fundamentals. Attention is also paid to content providers that provide access to a central data repository.

    Threads and Services

    The use of threads and the asynchronous execution of tasks is covered. And the use of services such as location services and HTTP services is discussed as well.

    Best Practices

    Finally participants learn some best practices in Android Development and how to publish an app on Google Play. With the knowledge gained in this course, participants are able to write simple apps themselves and understand the architecture and operation of the Android platform.

  • Course Android Fundamentals : Training

    Audience Android Fundamentals Course

    The course Android Fundamentals is intended for developers, managers and others who want to get an overview of the capabilities and operation of the Android platform.

    Prerequisites Course Android Fundamentals

    To participate in the course Android Fundamentals knowledge of the basics of Java programming is required.

    Realization Training Android Fundamentals

    The theory is discussed on the basis of presentation slides. Demos are used to clarify the concepts. The theory is interspersed with practical exercises. The course material is in English.

    Certification Android Fundamentals

    After successful completion of the course participants receive an official certificate Android Fundamentals.

    Course Android Fundamentals
  • Course Android Fundamentals : Modules

    Module 1 : Android Intro

    Module 2 : Android Development

    Module 3 : Android GUI

    What is Android?
    Architecture Explained
    Role of Java
    Android SDK
    Eclipse IDE Plugin
    Device Emulator
    Profiling Tools
    Unit Testing and Debugging
    Creating Unit Tests
    Android Development Tools (ADT)
    Android Studio
    Using the Emulator
    Analyzing the Heap
    Android User Interface
    View Hierarchy
    Applying Styles to UI
    Layout Containers
    ScrollView, ViewPager, TabView
    Custom Views

    Module 4 : Android Persistence

    Module 5 : Android Threads

    Module 6 : Android Services

    Storing and Retrieving Data
    Internal and External Storage
    SQLite Database
    Content Providers
    Querying Content Providers
    Modifying Data
    Creating a Content Provider
    Asynchronous Tasks
    Main UI Thread
    Using AsyncTask
    Location Services and Maps
    Location Services
    Mock Location Data
    Google Map Libraries
    Handling Events
    Accessing Remote Services
    HTTP Access
    DOM Parsing
    JSON Parsing
    Alarm Manager
    Broadcast Receivers
    Notification Manager

    Module 7 : Best Practices

    Web Apps Overview
    Targeting Screens from Web Apps
    Debugging Web Apps
    Best Practices for Web Apps
    Supporting multiple screens
    Optimizing for Other Android Versions
  • Course Android Fundamentals : General

    Read general course information
  • Course Android Fundamentals : Reviews

  • Course Android Fundamentals : Certificate