Course Symfony Framework Programming

In the course Symfony Framework Programming participants learn how to build modern PHP applications with the latest version of the state of the art Symfony Framework.

  • Content
  • Training
  • Modules
  • General
  • Reviews
  • Certificate
  • Course Symfony Framework Programming : Content

    Symfony Intro

    Symfony has evolved in recent years into one of the most popular PHP frameworks. This is due to the ease of use, the good performance, the dependency injection mechanism and directly deployable components.

    Symfony's Routing Architecture

    In this course you will learn to install Symfony and prepare an environment for application development. Symfony's routing architecture is discussed, the handling of requests and the generation of responses.

    Twig Templates

    Attention is paid to Twig templates en template inheritance.

    Doctrine Object Relational Mapping

    Next the Doctrine Object Relational Mapping implementation is discussed. Using Doctrine PHP classes and their relations can be stored in the database.

    Forms and Validation

    Symfony offers many facilities for Forms and these are discussed extensively. Also the validation of forms is treated.


    Attention is paid to service classes, the service architecture and the registration of services with the container.


    The security facilities that Symfony has to offer, like authentication and authorization with the User Entity class are discussed as well.

    Symfony's Kernel

    Also part of the subject matter are advanced subjects like Symfony's kernel, hooking into the routing mechanism and the implementation of dependency injection.

    Rest API with Symfony

    Finally attention is paid to the creation of a Rest API with Symfony. At the end of the course you will have completed an extensive case study with Symfony and you are able to create robust Web applications with Symfony.

  • Course Symfony Framework Programming : Training

    Audience Symfony Framework Programming Course

    PHP developers who want to develop robust and maintainable Web Applications with the Symfony PHP Framework.

    Prerequisites Course Symfony Framework Programming

    Experience with PHP Programming and object oriented development with PHP is required to participate in this course.

    Realization Training Symfony Framework Programming

    The theory is treated on the basis of presentation slides. The concepts are illustrated with demos. The theory is interspersed with exercises. The course times are from 9.30 to 16.30.

    Certification Symfony Framework Programming

    The participants receive an official certificate Symfony Framework Programming after successful completion of the course.

    Course Symfony Framework Programming
  • Course Symfony Framework Programming : Modules

    Module 1 : Symfony Intro

    Module 2 : Bundles

    Module 3 : Data Access

    Why Symfony?
    Installing Symfony
    Console commands
    Controller and Route
    How bright is the future?
    Composer and Packagist
    Installing Symfony via Composer
    The road map
    Checking the installation
    Request and Response Life Cycle
    Anatomy of a bundle
    Generating a new bundle
    Best practices
    Custom bundles versus AppBundle
    Creating templates with TWIG
    Controller/View interaction
    Conditional templates
    Installing bundles
    Data fixtures
    Defining and prioritizing features
    Database configurations
    Generating an entity
    What is Object Relational Mapping
    Entity Classes
    Using doctrine
    Inserting new Objects
    Adding Columns
    Updating Table Schema
    Database Migrations
    Migrations Workflow
    Nullable Columns

    Module 4 : Caching in Symfony

    Module 5 : Presentation Layer

    Module 6 : Security in Symfony

    Caching in Symfony
    Definition of a cache
    Caches in a Symfony project
    Key players in the
    Reverse proxy cache
    Set expiration for dashboard page
    Expiration stategies
    Validation strategies
    Doctrine cache
    ESI for selective caching
    Sophisticated bundles
    Asset management
    How templates are organize
    Navigate or not to navigate
    What is Bootstrap?
    Bootstrap configuration
    Creating menus
    Rendering the menu
    Dashboard template
    Overriding templates
    Profile-related templates
    Changing the backend logo
    User Class
    Dashboard and Security
    Security is organization
    Security settings
    Adding FOSUserBundle
    Adding routes

    Module 7 : Testing

    Module 8 : Forms and Validation

    Module 9 : Rest API

    TDD and BDD with Codeception
    Creating a functional test
    Developing the missing code
    Creating the unit tests
    Setting up the database
    Recreating the database for test
    Creating unit tests
    Writing code to pass test
    Running functional and unit tests
    On the CI side of the story
    Form Input
    Validating Forms
    Creating Forms
    Save and Redirect
    Flash Messages
    Sub Forms
    What is REST?
    Resource ID’s
    REST Web Services
    Simple REST Examples
    REST Web Service Principles
    Multiple Representations
    Embedded Path Parameters
    Common REST Patterns
    Resources URI Access
    JavaScript Object Notation (JSON)
  • Course Symfony Framework Programming : General

    Read general course information
  • Course Symfony Framework Programming : Reviews

  • Course Symfony Framework Programming : Certificate