
Course Data Security for Developers

The course Data Security for Developers covers the most common risks in securing data and how you can arm yourself against them. Attention is paid to data protection, securing communication, configuring access control and using authentication methods. Standards such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) are discussed as well.

  • Content
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  • Modules
  • General
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  • Certificate
  • Course Data Security for Developers : Content

    Intro Data Security

    The course starts with a discussion and explanation of the main concepts that play a role in Data Security such as authentication, access control, encryption, confidentiality, integrity, as well as backup and recovery.

    Secure Communication

    Subsequently setting up secure connections over Secure Sockets Layers (SSL) is treated. The creation of client and server certificates and the role of certificate authorities is covered.


    Then the different types of encryption are explained such as symmetric, asymmetric and hash encryption. And various encryption algorithms such as RSA and ECC are considered.

    Web App Risks

    Next attention is paid to typical security risks that play a role in web applications. The prevention of cross site scripting, SQL injection, cross site request forgery and session hijacking are debated then.

    Access Control

    The safe regulation of access control by means of key management systems, secure password storage and two factor authentication are also on the program of the course. The importance of role-based and permission-based authorization is treated as well.

    Updates, Monitoring and Logging

    Next the importance of keeping systems and applications secure by applying updates is covered. And the importance of monitoring, logging and incident responding is discussed also.

    Securing Apps and APIs

    Finally attention is paid to keeping Apps and APIs secure by testing endpoints for data leakage and security flaws. Various standards for data regulation such as GDPR, CCPA, PCI DSS and HIPAA are also treated then.

  • Course Data Security for Developers : Training

    Audience Course Data Security for Developers

    The course Data Security for Developers is intended for developers who want to learn what data security risks there are and how you can arm yourself against them.

    Prerequisites Course Data Security for Developers

    To participate in the course Data Security for Developers, experience with software development is required. Experience with object-oriented programming in C#, Python or Java is beneficial for understanding.

    Realization Training Data Security for Developers

    The course Data Security for Developers has a hands-on character. The theory is treated on the basis of presentation slides and is interchanged with practical exercises.

    Certification Course Data Security for Developers

    After successfully completing the training, the attendants receive a certificate of participation in the course Data Security for Developers.

    Data Security for Developers
  • Course Data Security for Developers : Modules

    Module 1 : Intro Data Security

    Module 2 : Secure Communication

    Module 3 : Secure Data at Rest

    Access Controls
    Backups and Recovery
    Data Erasure
    Data Masking
    Data Resiliency
    Cookie Theft
    Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)
    Private and Public Key
    SSL Certificates
    Creating Certificates
    Client and Server Certificates
    Chain of Trust
    Trusted certificate authorities (CAs)
    Transport Layer Security
    Verify network connections
    Verify metadata in HTTP headers
    Asymmetric Encryption
    Symmetric Encryption
    Hash Encryption
    Encryption Algorithms
    RSA algorithm
    ECC algorithm
    Using standard encryption
    Encoding and obfuscation
    Digital Signing
    Salt Function
    Protect against Malware

    Module 4 : Web App Risks

    Module 5 : Keys and Passwords

    Module 6 : Access Controls

    Cross Site Scripting
    Prevent Untrusted Data
    Social Engineering
    SQL Injection
    Escaping User Input
    Prepared Statements
    URL Rewriting
    Cross-Site Request Forgery
    Session Hijacking
    Session Fixation
    Key management systems
    Assigning Keys
    Revoking Keys
    Rotating Keys
    Deleting Keys
    Secure passwords storage
    Avoid embedding in code
    Two factor Authentication
    Provide Two Factor option
    Remove vendor-supplied defaults
    Role Base Security
    Lattice Based Access Control
    Separate Roles and Functions
    Role Assignment
    Role Authorization
    Permission Authorization
    Role Hierarchies
    Mandatory Access Control
    Discretionary Access Control
    Removing access and privileges

    Module 7 : Updates and Patches

    Module 8 : Monitor and Log

    Module 9 : Securing Apps and API's

    Addressing Security Vulnerabilities
    Applying Patches
    Keeping Systems Updated
    Checking Distributions
    Use Trusted Network Locations
    Emails and Attachments
    Manual Updates
    Automatic Updates
    Updating Core libraries
    Event Recording
    Log Monitoring
    Tracing Sending Data
    Tracing Storing Data
    Monitoring Transfers
    Ensure system stability
    Incident Responding
    Improving Compliance
    Identify security breaches
    Basic app security practices
    Assessing permissions and data needs
    Aligning data access to purpose of use
    Testing APIs for data leakage
    Testing endpoints for data leakage
    Testing transmissions third parties
    Scanning app and code
    Searching security flaws
    Regularly test security systems

    Module 10 : Data Security Regulations

    General Data Protection Regulation
    California Consumer Protection
    Health Insurance Accountability Act
    Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX)
    PCI Data Security Standard
    ISO 27001
  • Course Data Security for Developers : General

    Read general course information
  • Course Data Security for Developers : Reviews

  • Course Data Security for Developers : Certificate