Course HTML5 and CSS3

In the course HTML5 and CSS3 participants learn to write web pages in the latest version of HTML and CSS. HTML still determines the content of a website with text, images and media plugins, while CSS determines the style with colors, fonts and layouts. HTML5 and CSS3 are the new dominant technologies in developing interactive and aesthetically pleasing websites.

  • Content
  • Training
  • Modules
  • General
  • Reviews
  • Certificate
  • Course HTML5 and CSS3 : Content

    HTML5 Intro

    The course HTML5 and CSS3 starts with a discussion of the new HTML5 structure tags and new attributes. The vision behind HTML5 compared to XHTML and the meaning of feature detection and graceful degradation is also covered.

    HTML5 Forms

    Next HTML5 Forms with the new input tags for form validation are discussed. In HTML5, for example, number, date and email fields can already be validated in the browser. How to use audio and video on Web pages is also covered.

    Styling with CSS3

    Many more options in CSS3 have been added in terms of styling, such as round corners and gradients in the color gradient. The advanced styling possibilities of CSS3 including transitions and animations are treated as well.

    HTML5 Canvas

    Furthermore the HTML5 Canvas and the associated API through which figures can be added to the page are discussed. In this respect paths, stokes paths and the drawing of text and images are covered.

    Local Storage

    Then attention is paid to the possibilities of local storage and the differences between session storage, local storage and Web SQL Storage. Offline applications and geolocation services are also explained.

    WebWorkers and WebSockets

    Finally it's time for web workers, messaging and web sockets. And push technology is explained and how you can make use of it.

  • Course HTML5 and CSS3 : Training

    Audience HTML5 and CSS3 Course

    The course HTML5 and CSS3 is intended for experienced HTML designers who want to learn how to use HTML5 and CSS3 to make modern state of the art Web sites.

    Prerequisites Course HTML5 and CSS3

    To join this course knowledge of and experience with HTML and CSS is required.

    Realization Training HTML5 and CSS3

    The subjects are discussed on the basis of presentation slides. The subject matter is clarified with demos. The theory is interspersed with exercises. The code is tested in different browsers. The course material is in English. The course times are from 9.30 up and to 16.30.

    Certification HTML5 and CSS3

    Participants receive an official certificate HTML5 and CSS3 after successful completion of the course.

    Course HTML5 and CSS3
  • Course HTML5 and CSS3 : Modules

    Module 1 : HTML5 Intro

    Module 2 : Page Structure

    Module 3 : HTML Forms

    HTML5 Evolution
    W3C and WHATWG
    HTML5 Vision
    Universal Access
    Future of HTML5
    Browser Support
    Browsers In Mobile Devices
    Feature Detection
    Graceful Degradation
    HTML5 Page Structure
    HTML5 DocType
    Page Encoding
    Pseudo Semantics
    HTML5 Markup
    New Page Elements
    Updated Page Elements
    Deprecated Elements
    Structure Elements
    New Attributes
    Deprecated Attributes
    HTML5 Forms
    Gathering Input
    New Input Types
    Color Input Type
    Date Input Type
    Email Input Type
    New Attributes
    Form Validation
    Complex Validation
    Using Regular Expressions
    Browser Support

    Module 4 : Audio and Video

    Module 5 : Styling with CSS3

    Module 6 : Canvas

    Audio and Video
    Using Plugins
    Using Codecs
    Container Formats
    Multiple Sources
    Common Attributes
    New Audio Markup
    New Video Markup
    Attributes and Methods
    Audio and Video Events
    Customizing Controls
    Rounded corners
    Drop shadows
    Color effects
    Transparency using RGBA
    Gradients and Rotation
    Scale to page elements
    Advanced selectors like nth-child
    Embed using @font-face!
    Using custom fonts
    Using text instead of images
    HTML5 Canvas
    Using a Canvas
    Context and Coordinates
    Drawing Shapes
    Working with Paths
    Stroked Path
    Drawing Circles or Arcs
    Drawing Text and Images
    Working with Pixels
    Understanding Transforms
    Translation and Rotation

    Module 7 : Data Storage

    Module 8 : Offline Applications

    Module 9 : Geolocation

    Data Storage
    Cookies Model
    Pre HTML5 Solutions
    New Storage Options
    Web Storage
    Storage Interface
    Session Storage
    Local Storage
    Web SQL Storage
    Offline Applications
    Manifest File
    Cache Section
    Network Section
    Fallback Section
    applicationCache Events
    Deployments And Updates
    error Event
    updateReady Event
    HTML5 Geolocation
    Privacy Considerations
    Get User Location
    Geolocation Object
    Position Object
    Latitude and Longitude
    Handling Errors

    Module 10 : WebWorkers

    Module 11 : Messaging

    Module 12 : WebSockets

    HTML5 WebWorkers
    JavaScript Execution Model
    Background Tasks
    WebWorker Usage
    Communication API
    Handling Errors
    Event Data
    ErrorEvent Interface
    HTML5 Messaging API's
    Same Origin Policy and Workarounds
    JSON with Padding
    Using a Proxy
    Cross Document Messaging
    Sending and Receiving Messages
    XMLHttpRequest Level 2
    Cross Origin Resource Sharing
    Web Sockets
    Real Time Solutions
    Polling Architecture
    Long Polling Architecture
    Web Sockets API
    Web Sockets Protocol
    Web Sockets Handshake
    Advantages Web Sockets
  • Course HTML5 and CSS3 : General

    Read general course information
  • Course HTML5 and CSS3 : Reviews

  • Course HTML5 and CSS3 : Certificate