Course Database Design

In the course Database Design participants learn the techniques and considerations for creating a well-structured database. Design is a crucial part of an effective implementation of a relational database. Modeling data is the basis of building and developing a database. The course uses various case tools to create diagrams.

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  • Course Database Design : Content

    Intro Database Management Systems

    The course Database Design starts with a discussion of the basic architecture of Database Management Systems. Attention is paid to the Database Schema and the differences between the conceptual, logical and physical model. The role of SQL, Data Definition Language (DDL) and Data Manipulation Language (DML) is also discussed.

    Database Design

    Subsequently the phases of Database Design and the components of a database are treated. The ERD Model and the UML Model are covered here. Possible design errors and the application of constraints are also reviewed.

    ER Modeling

    In the ER Modeling section participants learn how to discover the entities and their relationships and map them to tables. They learn the principles of Entity Relationship Modeling. Also treated is how to find and model attribute domains.

    Table Mapping

    Then attention is paid to how entities and their relations can be translated into tables in a relational database. The different mapping strategies for hierarchies of entities are also covered such as table per class, table per hierarchy and the use of discriminator columns.

    UML Modeling

    Next to the use of Unified Modeling Language UML for database design is treated. The UML syntax is discussed as well as UML elements such as interfaces, associations, composition, generalization and dependencies.

    Normalization and Optimization

    The process of normalization, the different normal forms and the removal of duplicate data are explained by means of practical examples. Finally, a number of optimization techniques, such as the use of indexes, that can improve the speed of databases are discussed.

  • Course Database Design : Training

    Audience Course Database Design

    The course Database Design in intended for Web developers, web application developers, database administrator, webmasters and web project managers.

    Prerequisites Course Database Design

    To join the course Database Design no specific skills or knowledge is required. General knowledge of system design is helpful to a proper understanding.

    Realization Training Database Design

    The theory is treated using presentation slides. Demos are used to clarify the theory. There is ample opportunity to practice. The course material is in English. The course times are from 9.30 up and to 16.30.

    Certification Database Design

    Participants receive an official certificate Database Design after successful completion of the course.

    Course Database Design
  • Course Database Design : Modules

    Module 1 : Intro DBMS

    Module 2 : Database Design

    Module 3 : Entity Relationship Modeling

    What is a DBMS?
    DBMS Abstraction Levels
    Data Independence
    Database Model
    Types of Databases
    Database Schema
    Conceptual Model
    Logical Model
    Physical Model
    SQL Language
    DDL and DML Language
    Application Interfaces
    DBMS Architecture
    What is Database Design?
    Database Design Phases
    Benefits of Phases
    Conceptual Data Model
    Entity Relationship Model
    UML Model
    Structuring the Model
    Design Errors
    Data Errors
    Database Constraints
    Naming Schema Elements
    Data Interpretation
    CASE Tools
    E-R Model Components
    Identification Guidelines
    Entities versus Entity Classes
    Entities versus Attributes
    Classification of Attributes
    Attribute Domains
    Degree of relationships
    Relationship Cardinalities
    Notation of Cardinalities
    Removing M:N relations
    Requirement Analysis
    Resulting ER Diagram

    Module 4 : Advanced Er Modeling

    Module 5 : Mapping ERD to Tables

    Module 6 : UML Modeling

    Weak Entity Set
    Generalization and Specialization
    Design Constraints
    Total and Partial Participation
    Disjoint Constraints
    Overlapping Constraints
    ER Design Decisions
    Mapping ERD to Tables
    Composite Attributes
    Multivalued Attributes
    Redundancy As Tables
    Entity Set Table Translation
    Relationship Table Translation
    Mapping Key Constraints
    Map Relationship Set to Table
    Combine Relationship and Entity Set
    Weak Entity Sets
    Mapping Weak Entity Sets
    Mapping Subclasses
    Table per Subclass
    Table per Hierarchy
    Discriminator Columns
    Joining Tables
    What is UML?
    Structural Modeling?
    Core Elements
    Core Relationships
    Structural Diagrams
    Classes and Objects
    Class Diagrams

    Module 7: Normalization

    Module 8: Database Optimization

    What is Normalization?
    Unnormalized form
    Moving towards 1NF
    First Normal Form
    Moving to 2NF
    Second Normal Form
    Third Normal Form
    Other Normal Forms
    Benefit of Normalization
    Relationship Cross Tables
    Optimization Process
    Use Ranges
    Denormalization Issues
    Combine Tables
    Store Derived Data
    Add Indexes
    Index Operation
    Clustered Indexes
  • Course Database Design : General

    Read general course information
  • Course Database Design : Reviews

  • Course Database Design : Certificate