Course AngularJS Programming

In the course AngularJS Programming you will learn to program with AngularJS and how to use this JavaScript Framework in the development of modern Single Page Applications. AngularJS is the predecessor to Angular 2 and further and new applications will typically be created with the successor to AngularJS. However many existing applications are still written with AngularJS and these applications require maintenance.

  • Content
  • Training
  • Modules
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  • Reviews
  • Certificate
  • Course AngularJS Programming : Content

    AngularJS Intro

    The introduction examines the architecture of Single Page Applications and in particular the Model View Controller pattern. Also the essential features of AngularJS applications are discussed such as dependency injection and two way data binding. Declarative binding between data and user interface elements and the role of the scope object and controllers is also covered.

    Expressions and Directives

    Subsequently expressions in AngularJS are discussed with the mustache syntax with which variables and properties can be displayed. Also a number of important directives of AngularJS such as ngModel, ngController and ngBind are treated. With these directives HTML is as it were expanded.

    Filters and Validation

    Subsequently attention is paid to filters and validation and a wide variety of AngularJS functions are also on the course schedule. Both built-in filters and user defined filters are covered.

    Routing and Services

    Then it's the turn of Routing in AngularJS applications. Through routing part of a web page will be replaced or loaded with new data on the basis of a URL pattern, possibly with parameters provided. The built-in Angular router is discussed as well as external router libraries. And also treated are services in AngularJS that can typically be injected as a singleton anywhere in the application.

    Templates and Modules

    Finally templates are covered with which, among other things, reuse is realized and attention is paid to how the AngularJS module system works. Larger AngularJS applications are made up of modules that exchange data with each other. We also look ahead to various characteristics of the successor to AngularJS with respect to potential migrations.

  • Course AngularJS Programming : Training

    Audience Course AngularJS Programming

    This course is for Web Designers and Web Developers who want to learn how to create Single Page applications with Angular JS.

    Prerequisites Course AngularJS Programming

    To participate in this course knowledge and experience with HTML, CSS and JavaScript required .

    Realization Training AngularJS Programming

    The theory is discussed on the basis of presentation slides and is interchanged with practical exercises. Demos are used to clarify the theory. Most commonly used browsers are available for running the code. Course times are from 9:30 to 16:30.

    Certificate Course AngularJS Programming

    Participants receive an official certificate AngularJS Programming after successful completion of the course.

    INT700 -AngularJS-Programming
  • Course AngularJS Programming : Modules

    Module 1 : Intro Angular JS

    Module 2 : Expressions and Directives

    Module 3 : Filters and Validation

    What is AngularJS?
    Single Page Applications
    AngularJS Key Features
    Hello AngularJS
    Extending HTML
    MVC Pattern
    HTML Templates
    Two way Data Binding
    Dependency Injection
    AngularJS Popularity
    AngularJS Resources
    JSON Data Structures
    JSON Arrays and Objects
    Built-in Directives
    ng-Controller Directive
    ng-Controller Declarations
    Lexical Closure
    ng-Bind Directive
    ng-BindHTML directive
    ngRepeat Directive
    ngModel Directive
    ngClick Directive
    Custom Directives
    What are Filters?
    Filter in Templates
    Currency Filter
    Upper and Lower Case Filter
    orderBy Filter
    Multiple Filters
    Date Filter
    JSON Filter
    LimitTo Filter
    Custom Filters
    Filter Anatomy
    Using Filters in Controllers
    Using $filter in Controller

    Module 4 : Forms and Validation

    Module 5 : Routing

    Module 6 : Services

    AngularJS Forms
    Text Inputs
    Checkboxes and Radiobuttons
    Select Options
    Tracking Changes by CSS
    Validation Styling
    Nested Forms
    Form Submission
    Ajax Form Submission
    Form Reset
    Touched versus Dirty
    AngularJS Routes
    Routing Configuration
    Application Start
    Difference with ngRoute
    States and Services
    Activating States
    UI-Router Directives
    What are Services?
    Need for Services
    Built-In Services
    $log Service
    $filter Service
    Creating Services with Factory
    Injecting Services
    Creating Services with Service
    Service with Provider
    $http Service
    Using built-in Service

    Module 7 : Templates

    Module 8 : Modules

    Module 9 : Miscellaneous Topics

    Angular Templates
    Static Templates
    $templateCache Service
    Static Template in File
    Dynamic Static Template
    Nested ng-include
    Recursive Templates
    Recursive JSON Structure
    Custom Directives
    templateUrl Property
    Variable Binding in Directive
    Isolating $scope from Directive
    Understanding Controllers
    Injected Controller in Module
    Avoid Global Namespace
    Controller in Module
    Controller in Separate File
    $watch Scope
    Scope Inheritance
    Scope Event Propagation
    Scope Life Cycle
    $watch, $apply(), $digest()
    Multiple Modules
    REST Services
    $resource Service
    Create a Resource
    Resource Factory
    Resource Constructor
    Resource Instance
    Animation in JavaScript
    jQuery Animations
    CSS Enabled Animations
    Animating in AngularJS
    Animating ngRepeat
    ngShow and ngHide
    Animating ng-view
  • Course AngularJS Programming : General

    Read general course information
  • Course AngularJS Programming : Reviews

  • Course AngularJS Programming : Certificate