Course Object Oriented Analysis and Design

In the course Object Oriented Analysis and Design you will learn the object oriented ways of thinking and techniques to analyze, design and model a software system as a collection of cooperating objects. The UML language runs as a central thread through the course.

  • Content
  • Training
  • Modules
  • General
  • Reviews
  • Certificate
  • Course Object Oriented Analysis and Design : Content

    Iterative and Incremental Development

    After an introduction and review of the key object oriented concepts and principles, the modern system development principle of iterative and incremental development is discussed.

    Requirements Gathering and Uses Cases

    Next attention is paid to how the requirements of a system can be analyzed and how the typical forms of system use can be described with uses cases.

    Domain Modeling

    After an overview of UML, it is discussed how a domain model can be established, how the various objects can be distinguished together with their attributes and relationships, and what information they exchange.

    Interaction Modeling

    Attention is paid to how responsibilities can be assigned to objects and how these can be translated and made visible with interaction modeling using sequence and collaboration diagrams and state charts. The various patterns that can be used in this process are also discussed.

    Packages and Subsystems

    Part of the subject matter is also how the translation of the analysis model to a design class model can take place, including the design of a logical architecture with packages and subsystems and the mapping to code.

    Architectural Design

    The course also considers aspects of architectural design that are dealt with using component and deployment diagrams.

    Design Patterns

    Finally the focus is on the importance of design patterns to implement standard solutions.

  • Course Object Oriented Analysis and Design : Training

    Audience Course Object Oriented Analysis and Design

    The course Object Oriented Analysis and Design is intended for developers and architects who want to learn object oriented analysis and design techniques and UML to design systems.

    Prerequisites Course Object Oriented Analysis and Design

    To join the course Object Oriented Analysis and Design knowledge of the basic principles of object orientation is required and experience in object oriented software development is desirable.

    Realization Training Object Oriented Analysis and Design

    The subject matter is treated on the basis of presentation slides. During the course two case studies are developed from requirements to design. A modern UML tool is used to draw UML diagrams in it. The course material is in English. The course times are from 9.30 up and to 16.30.

    Certification Object Oriented Analysis and Design

    Participants receive an official certificate Object Oriented Analysis and Design after successful completion of the course.

    Course Object Oriented Analysis and Design
  • Course Object Oriented Analysis and Design : Modules

    Module 1 : Software Process

    Module 2 : Requirements Analysis

    Module 3 : Use Case Modeling

    Software Development Process
    Software Development Phases
    Good Software Characteristics
    Iterative and Incremental Development
    Requirements Capturing
    Requirements Analysis Process
    System Design
    Test Driven Development
    Waterfall Model
    Evolutionary Development
    Unified Process
    Understanding Requirements
    Vision Documents
    Requirement Analysis Activities
    Requirement Types
    Functional Requirements
    Non-Functional Requirements
    Requirements Determination
    Requirements Classification
    Conflicting Requirements
    Requirements Risks
    The glossary
    Use Cases and Actors
    Identifying Actors
    System Context Diagram
    Identifying Use Cases
    Use Case Diagram
    Use Case Modeling Steps
    High Level Use Cases
    Alternative Paths
    include and extends

    Module 4 : UML Overview

    Module 5 : Domain Modeling

    Module 6 : Use Case Realization

    What is UML?
    UML Diagrams
    Use Case View
    Logical View
    Component View
    Deployment View
    Notes and Adornments
    Tagged Values
    System Sequence Diagrams
    Why Domain Modeling?
    Conceptual Classes
    Noun Identification
    Physical and Conceptual Objects
    Types of Classes
    Domain Analysis Classes
    Finding Associations
    Multiplicity and Associations
    Generalization and Specialization
    Aggregation and Composition
    Finding Attributes
    Realizing Requirements
    System Behavior
    Input Events and Operations
    System Sequence Diagrams
    Derivation from Use Case
    Class Responsibilities
    Class Collaborations
    Interaction Diagrams
    Sequence Diagrams
    Grasps Design Patterns

    Module 7 : Statecharts

    Module 8 : Design Model

    Module 9 : Architectural Design

    State Machine Concepts
    State Machine Diagram
    Event Driven Behavior
    State Machines and Objects
    Object Behavior
    Objects and Threads
    Passive and Active Objects
    Entry and Exit Actions
    Internal Transitions
    State Activities
    History States
    Transition to Design
    From Requirements to Design
    Class Design Diagrams
    The Design Model
    Design Aspects
    Design Model Characteristics
    Mapping to Code
    Package Design
    Packaging Guidelines
    Data Access Class Packages
    System Partitioning
    Large Scale Element Collaboration
    Layers and Packages
    Simple Logical Architecture
    Consider Coordination Layer
    Web Application Architecture
    Consider MVC Architecture
    Package Dependencies
    Vertical Scaling
    Horizontal Scaling
    Physical Architecture

    Module 10 : Applying Design Patterns

    What are Patterns?
    Creational Patterns
    Behavioral Patterns
    Structural Patterns
    Architectural Patterns
    Abstract Factory
    Factory Method
    Reducing Dependencies
    Observer Pattern
    Adapter Pattern
    FaÇade pattern
    Proxy Pattern
  • Course Object Oriented Analysis and Design : General

    Read general course information
  • Course Object Oriented Analysis and Design : Reviews

  • Course Object Oriented Analysis and Design : Certificate