Learning by doing
Trainers with practical experience
Classroom training
Detailed course material
Clear content description
Tailormade content possible
Training that proceeds
Small groups
In the course PHP Programmer Certification the topics for the PHP 7 Programmers exam are discussed on the basis of test questions. The course also has the purpose to give the best possible impression of what one can expect on the actual exam.
The course is an exam-oriented training and programming assignments are not part of the course program.
Participants can however experiment with demo scripts where certain aspects of the exam are discussed.
Extra attention is paid to topics that are commonly experienced as difficult.
The exam topics on the program are: PHP Basics, Object Oriented Programming, new features in PHP 7, stream I/O and network programming, using functions and arrays, working with strings and regular expressions, accessing databases and SQL, accessing XML data and Web services, security and finally the use of Design Patterns.
The course PHP Programmer Certification is intended for experienced PHP developers that want to prepare themselves for the PHP 7 Programmers exam.
Knowledge and experience with Web development and PHP programming and Advanced PHP Programming is required to participate in this course.
The course has a hands-on nature. The theory is interspersed with practical exercises. Several mock exams with exam test questions are discussed. The course material is in English.
Participants receive an official certificate PHP Programmer Certification after successful completion of the course.
Exam Topic: PHP Basics |
Exam Topic: Date Formats and Types |
Exam Topic: PHP 7 Features |
Arithmetic and Bitwise Operators Assignment Operators Comparison Operators String and Array Operators Logical Operators Variables Condition Control Structures Loop Control Structures Special Constructs Constants Namespaces Extensions Configuration and Performance |
XML Basics XML Extension Character Encodings SimpleXML SimpleXML Methods DOM SOAP and REST SOAP Constants REST Principles REST Context Switching JSON JSON Constants DateTime Methods |
Scalar Type Declarations Coercive and Strict Mode Return Type Declarations Null Coalescing Operator Spaceship Operator Constant Arrays Anonymous Classes Closure::call() Filtered unserialize() Expectations Integer Division Use Statement Error Handling |
Exam Topic: Strings |
Exam Topic: Arrays |
Exam Topic: Input and Output |
Strings Comparing Strings String Functions Formatting Output Regular Expressions RegEx Syntax Encoding |
Arrays Array Operations Looping Arrays Array Methods Sorting Arrays Other Array Functions ArrayObject Class |
Files File System Functions File Operations Streams File Wrappers Stream Contexts Reading and Writing |
Exam Topic: Object Orientation |
Exam Topic: Databases |
Exam Topic: Security |
Classes and Objects Inheritance Abstract Classes and Interfaces Exceptions Properties and Methods Static Modifier Autoloading and Reflection Type Hinting Late Static Binding Magic Methods SPL Generators and Traits |
Databases SQL Statements Queries SQL Functions Joins Prepared Statements Transactions PDO PDO Connections PDO Queries PDO Statements Parameter Passing |
Configuration Built-in Safeguards PHP as Apache Module Session Security Cross-Site Scripting Cross-Site Request Forgeries SQL Injection Remote Code Injection Dynamic Data Attacks Input Filtering and Escaping Output Password Hashing API SSL |
Exam Topic: Functions |
Exam Topic: Web Features |
Exam Topic: Error Handling |
Function Definition Declaring Functions Function Arguments Variable Scope Variable Functions Anonymous Functions Closures Type Declarations |
Sessions Forms Encoding and Decoding FILE Uploads Cookies Cookie Handling HTTP Headers and Codes HTTP Authentication |
Error Levels Error Display Error Configuration Error Logging User Defined Errors Exception Handling Exception Hierarchy Error Class |