

In our courses we use high quality course materials for software developers. The course materials have been developed by experienced specialists and have been tested extensively in practice. All of our course materials are in English. We keep our course materials up-to-date with the latest versions of the tools and languages.

Classroom training

Our course materials are ideally suited for classroom training with a leading role for the trainer. However, in many cases they can also be used for self-study in an open learning center.


Learning by doing

Our course materials are focused on learning by doing. Learning new technologies and languages ​​works best if the theory is immediately followed by practical exercises. The course materials are therefore based on the 50% theory 50% practice principle.


We use manuals for courses with a duration of 1 to 5 days. The course books are offered in the form of printed manuals in A4 format. The pages are bound with 32 metal rings and a hard cover page. The manuals contain slides, notes pages and exercises. Besides the manual each student also receives a bookstore book for future reference.



The courses are divided into modules, each discussing a well defined subject. Modules have a length of about a day part and are followed by an exercise. Each module begins with a page that shows the position of the module in the course. Each module is concluded with a summary of the issues discussed.

Case Studies

In most of our courses, students work on a case study which will grow in a number of exercises, starting from scratch, into a working sample application. Examples of case studies in our courses are the implementation of a Car Rental system, a Web Shop application, a Mortgage Calculator and a Navigation system.



The teacher can present the course contents using a PDF with slides that synchronize with the pages in the manual. Each presentation contains a lot of graphics to explain the concepts. The presentation has many links to demos that discuss the concepts and there are references to exercises that can be done at at regular points in the course. In the notes pages of the manuals the students can find additional information that can be used during exercises.


Each course manual includes a USB-stick. This USB-stick contains the instructions for the installation of the course, the necessary software, demos, exercises and the solutions of the exercises, study guides, background articles and other additional information. The USB-stick is usually copied to the hard disk of the students computer at the beginning of the course. The USB-stick is part of the course material and can be taken home on completion of the course. In his own environment, the student can then rebuild the course environment because all needed software is on the USB-stick.

USB-stick Spiraltrain

Custom course material

We regularly create custom training material for our customers. We can make combinations of modules from different courses or deliver new modules on demand. It is also possible to let us add your branding to the course materials.