
ECMAScript 6 a Standard

ECMAScript 6 a Standard

The Ecma General Assembly has officially approved ECMAScript 6, the latest standard edition of JavaScript. The specification is the first major revision to the programming language in more than a decade and a half, adding a wide array of features such as classes and modules to enable for complex Web application development. The future of JavaScript has arrived. The ECMAScript 2015 specification is available both as a PDF and an HTML document. ECMAScript project editor and Mozilla research fellow Allen Wirfs-Brock announced ES6 approval in a tweet.

Our JavaScript courses JavaScript Programming and Advanced JavaScript Programming will discuss the features of this new ECMA Standard.

JavaScript is everywhere

Once relegated to an Internet fad, the malleable programming language has evolved along with the Web and now finds itself entrenched in modern browsers, complex Web applications, mobile development, server-side programming, and in emerging platforms like the Internet of Things. Underlying that browser-centric user and developer shift, JavaScript has developed a robust ecosystem of third-party and open-source libraries, frameworks, tools, implementations and superset languages woven into the backbone upon which Web and mobile development is now built.

Over the past decade, starting with jQuery empowering Web developers with client-side scripting, every popular plug-in has filled another gap in the language and its capabilities.

JavaScript’s prominence is a byproduct of the browser being ubiquitous, whether that’s desktop, mobile or other platforms like native desktop applications using the browser wrapped up and deployed or built with HTML5, and the emerging IoT devices and peripherals that treat Node.js as the engine that powers them.

Where JavaScript goes next

After more than 15 years without a major update, the international standards organization Ecma is finally set to release ECMAScript 6—a comprehensive update to standardized JavaScript—in June of 2015. The 650-page final draft of ECMA-262 Edition 6 (ES6) was recently sent to the Ecma General Assembly so it could be finally approved and standardized at the June Ecma General Assembly meeting. ES6 is a foundational change to the language, featuring a revamped syntax of modules, classes and other advancements to enable the development of larger, more complex Web applications