
Course Wicket Programming

The course Wicket Programming focuses on developing Java Web applications using the Wicket Framework. Wicket is an open source, component oriented, server side, Java web application framework. In Wicket Web Applications are developed using only Java code and HTML files with wicket markup tags. The latest version of Wicket is based on Java 11 and supports new Java technologies such as Java modularization and new libraries such as JUnit 5.

  • Content
  • Training
  • Modules
  • General
  • Reviews
  • Certificate
  • Course Wicket Programming : Content

    Wicket Intro

    The course starts with an explanation of the architecture of Wicket. Attention is paid to how applications in Wicket are built from components that consist of a Java class and an associated HTML file with the same name. A Wicket identifier provides the link between the class and the HTML file.

    Core Concepts

    Next a number of important concepts in Wicket are covered, such as the RequestCycle, the difference between stateful and stateless pages, Wicket models and the page rendering process.

    Component Hierarchy

    Also the Wicket component hierarchy is treated with MarkupContainers, Panels, Listviews and many other components. The course Wicket Programming also discusses the life cycle of components and how you can use behaviors.


    Then the role of models in Wicket is explained. Wicket models allow components to retrieve data when they need to be displayed on the screen. Models also convert or save user input when events occur.

    Wicket Forms

    Wicket Forms are also on the program of the course. In this context form layout, processing user input, data conversion and validation are discussed.


    And also the combination of Wicket and Ajax is treated. The many built-in Ajax components such as AjaxEditableLable, AutoCompleteTextField and AjaxLink are covered and Ajax Behaviors as well.

    Advanced Topics

    Finally the integration with jQuery and Tree and Wizard components is on the schedule and the migration from older Wicket versions to the latest version 9 is treated.

  • Course Wicket Programming : Training

    Audience Course Wicket Programming

    The course Wicket Programming is aimed at companies and individuals who are using or planning to use Wicket and require a detailed understanding of the relevant technologies.

    Prerequisites Course Wicket Programming

    Professional programming experience in Java and knowledge of Java Web applications is required.

    Realization Training Wicket Programming

    The subject matter is treated on the basis of presentation slides. Demos are used to clarify the theory. Ample exercises are done during the course. The course material is in English. The course times are from 9.30 up and to 16.30.

    Certification Wicket Programming

    Participants receive an official certificate Wicket Programming after successful completion of the course.

    Course Wicket Programming
  • Course Wicket Programming : Modules

    Module 1 : Wicket Intro

    Module 2 : Core Concepts

    Module 3 : Components

    What is Wicket?
    Component Orientation
    Wicket Features
    More Wicket Features
    Wicket Timeline
    Component Hierarchy
    Wicket in Architecture
    Wicket Configuration
    Hello Wicket Application
    Hello Wicket HTML Page
    General Application Structure
    Wicket Run Modes
    Wicket Distribution and Modules
    Wicket Resources
    Wicket Application
    Request and Response Classes
    Request Processing
    RequestCycle Hooks
    Stateful and Stateless Pages
    Session Class
    Wicket Models
    Models and POJO‘s
    Link Component
    Wicket Component Examples
    Page Rendering Process
    Wicket Components
    Component Hierarchy
    Components and Markup
    Component Class
    MarkupContainer class
    Component Lifecycle
    Component Hook Methods
    Method OnBeforeRender
    Panel Component
    Border Component
    HTML Tags and Attributes
    Repeating Views
    List Views

    Module 4 : Models

    Module 5 : Forms

    Module 6 : Ajax and Rich Components

    What are Models?
    Set and Get Model
    Using Models
    Model Factory Methods
    Models and JavaBeans
    Using PropertyModel
    Using CompoundPropertyModel
    Wicket Forms
    Forms and Models
    Sample Logging Form
    CompoundPropertyForm Login
    DropDownChoice Model
    Model Chaining
    Detachable Models
    Wicket Forms
    Form Validation
    Displaying Feedback
    Built-in Validators
    Feedback Messages
    Custom Validators
    Input Conversion
    Validation with JSR303
    Components Button
    Nested Forms
    Complex Forms
    Stateless Forms
    Ajax Explained
    Classic Web Application Model
    Ajax Asynchronous Model
    Wicket and Ajax
    Setting MarkupID
    Built-In Ajax Components
    Modal Window
    Ajax Behaviors
    Using Ajax Behaviors
    Ajax Request Attributes
    Ajax Call Listeners
    Global Listeners

    Module 7 : jQuery Integration

    Module 8 : Trees and Wizards

    Module 9 : New Features

    Using jQuery
    jQuery Function Object
    jQuery Selection
    Replacing Elements
    JQWicket jQuery Library
    Wicket jQuery UI
    Calendar Example
    Features to Implement
    jQuery UI
    Initialization Code
    Header Contribution Code
    Tree Components
    Build Nodes
    Instantiate Tree
    Checked Nodes
    Autocheck Folder
    What is a Wizard
    Wizard Types
    Two Panel Wizard
    Wicket 6 Migration
    Repeaters and Data
    Form Processing
    Wicket 7 Migration
    Feedback Storage Refactoring
    Header Rendering Strategy
    Wicket 8 Migration
    Decorator to Listener
    Wicket Decorator to Listener
    List of Renamed Classes
    Wicket 9 Migration
    New Modules
  • Course Wicket Programming : General

    Read general course information
  • Course Wicket Programming : Reviews

  • Course Wicket Programming : Certificate