
Course Java Performance Improvement

The course Java Performance Improvement will teach you how to analyze and improve the performance of Java applications.

  • Content
  • Training
  • Modules
  • General
  • Reviews
  • Certificate
  • Course Java Performance Improvement : Content

    Performance Aspects

    In the first place various aspects of performance in general are treated, such as perceived performance and memory footprint and then aspects of Java performance in particular such as the hotspot JVM and garbage collection.


    Next attention is paid to the different benchmarks for Java and the various phases of the performance process such as performance monitoring, profiling and tuning. Also a number of specific performance techniques that can be applied to Java code are discussed.

    API Performance

    The performance impact of various constructs in the Java language and various classes of the Java API are discussed as well.


    Furthermore, you learn how to deal with performance tools such as a profiler in order to identify performance bottlenecks. In this respect attention is paid to profiling points, time measurements and the detection of memory leaks. Stress testing Web Applications is discussed as well.

    JDBC Performance

    Finally, special attention goes to performance issues with JDBC and performance in a Java EE environment. Herewith the configuration of pools, caches and the use of load balancing and clustering techniques are treated.

  • Course Java Performance Improvement : Training

    Audience Course Java Performance Improvement

    Experienced Java developers who want to improve the performance of Java software.

    Course Java Performance Improvement Prerequisites

    Knowledge of and experience with Java programming is required to join this course.

    Realization Training Java Performance Improvement

    The course has a hands-on nature. The theory is treated on the basis of presentation slides and is interspersed with practical exercises. Demos are used to clarify the theory. The course material is in English. The course times are from 9.30 up and to 16.30.

    Certification Java Performance Improvement

    Participants receive an official certificate Java Performance Improvement after successful completion of the course.

    Course Java Performance Improvement
  • Course Java Performance Improvement : Modules

    Module 1 : Java Performance Intro

    Module 2 : Java API Performance

    Module 3 : Profiling

    Influences on Performance
    Important Performance Aspects
    History of Java Performance
    JIT Compilation and JIT Compiler
    Client and Server Hotspot VM
    Garbage Collection Algorithms
    Java Performance Myths
    Perceived Performance
    Monitoring and Profiling
    Performance Tuning
    Heap Tuning
    Heap Activity Monitoring
    Common Performance Problems
    Java API Performance Pitfalls
    String Handling
    Buffered I/O
    New I/O
    Primitives versus Wrappers
    Array Copying
    Exception Handling
    Native methods
    Lazy Loading
    Object Reuse
    Profiling tools
    CPU Profiling
    CPU Profiling Approach
    Profiling a subset
    Profiling Points
    Type of Profiling Points
    Monitoring Threads
    Lock contention
    Identifying problematic patterns
    Stress Testing
    Java Performance Tips
    Performance Process

    Module 4 : Tuning Garbage Collection

    Module 5 : Java EE Performance

    GC and Performance
    Java Object Behavior
    Heap Space Organisation
    Heap Area Characteristics
    Young Generation Layout
    GC Performance Metrics
    Used GC Algorithms
    Performance Considerations
    Parallel collector
    Parallel compact collector
    Concurrent Mark-Sweep (CMS)
    JDBC Optimization
    Optimization Techniques
    JDBC connection pooling
    Single Batch Transactions
    Smart Queries
    Tuning Servlets and JSP's
    HTTP Session Tuning
    Web Server Tuning
    Clustering Types
    Load Balancing
    Sticky Sessions
  • Course Java Performance Improvement : General

    Read general course information
  • Course Java Performance Improvement : Reviews

  • Course Java Performance Improvement : Certificate